šŸŒ Justin's Blog

The personal blog of Justin Ferriman

Unlike most folks who move from California to Texas, we are going the other way around. Earlier this year, Lorena and I purchased a new home in California. We are transitioning there this year and beginning in January, it will officially be our primary residence.

I will always have a special place in my heart for Austin, as itā€™s the place where we got married and officially started our life together. It was our home base as we travelled during the heart of the pandemic to visit family in Mexico, Michigan, Connecticut, and Colorado.

But ultimately, we both really value gorgeous weather, and SoCal has the best weather in the country. The culture is more in line with what we prefer as well. Plus, I meanā€¦ you canā€™t beat the ocean.

I am excited to settle in California and start this next phase of life together.

Seeya, Texasā€¦ itā€™s been real.

Real hot. šŸ‘Ž


For as long as I can remember, I have loved to win. I despise losing, so much so that it has always motivated me to outperform my competitors. I suspect that this started as a young child, when my parents enrolled me into every sport imaginable.

I vividly remember one day before a tee ball game, I asked my dad, ā€œwho are we fighting today?ā€

I was five years old.

He corrected me, explaining that we arenā€™t fighting anyone, but simply playing a game. I was confused, there was no difference in my mind.

If there is one thing I love about entrepreneurship that isnā€™t mentioned frequently, itā€™s the thrill of competing (and winning). I suppose some might describe this mentality as ā€œold schoolā€, especially as it relates to business. I believe there are winners and losers, and not everyone gets a trophy because not every has earned one.

When I am in a competition that I care about, I go hard. If you get one over on me, then I acknowledge it and respect your victory ā€“ but you better believe that Iā€™m coming back, and even harder.

For me, there is no better way to show respect than by giving an opponent your absolute best. You show respect by running up the score. In business, that means getting more market share, winning customers of competing products, and being the go-to solution in a segment.

Competing makes me happy. It keeps me engaged, excited, and thinking creatively. It is for this reason that I decided to start another software company.


When I was in middle school, my principal used to say:

ā€œThe hardest part about any project is starting it.ā€

I had this in mind when starting GapScout, my second foray into the world of software, but first as a traditional SaaS. I learned a lot during my time building (and selling) LearnDash, and I can't wait to apply those learnings to this new venture.

One of those lessons learned was building an audience before and during the build process. For that project, I started content marketing 10 months before the product was built. I built an email list, got a good solid footing in Google, and was able to build buzz. This made the launch a success.

For GapScout, I am using this same formula (except we won't have to wait 10 months for launch this time)! šŸ™‚

The content marketing strategy will be taking place at the same time as product development. I tapped my network and was introduced to a couple of content marketers who will be helping me in this area. As always, I like to start out with a few trial articles to see how things go. So far, so good for the both of them!

Smart content creation is just the first step.

Iā€™d like to first build a solid footing in Google (seeing as this is a brand-new site), at which point I will begin the outreach process to start building relations with bloggers and websites in the same niche.

When you start a business, it's not always about the ā€œbig milestonesā€, it's nice to recognize the smaller achievements along the way.

Recently, the GapScout website celebrated one month. While developer conversations are happening in the background, the content marketing has started to make progress. There is no ā€œhackā€ for content creation. It's a slow, long process. But it pays off!

In 30 days, the GapScout website has seenĀ 2,083 unique visitors.

No secrets, just keyword research, writing quality articles, and sharing the content on the normal social channels.

I do intend to use paid ads as well, but not quite yet, as I'd prefer to do that when there is a product ready to use. So for now, the content marketing approach will continue, it definitely is paying off.

Want early access to GapScout? Get on the early adopter list!


How do you define life?

For me, life is just a series of transitions from one moment to another.

They define our character.

They teach us.

They get easier with experience.

Our reaction to those transitions often dictates if we are stressed or content.

We measure our lives with our transitions because they are what we look back on as our most defining moments.

Embrace your transitions.

Transitions are your life.


Well, that didnā€™t take long.

Closing in on one-year since the sale of LearnDash, and I am jumping back into the software industry. This time, with a micro-SaaS as opposed to WordPress.

Iā€™ll discuss a little about the why, but first letā€™s talk about what.

Meet GapScout!

In a sentence, GapScout is the easiest way to identify the profitable gaps in a market. It does this by analyzing reviews of your product or service and highlighting common themes & opportunities.

Reviews are a goldmine for a business.Ā Not only your own reviews, but the reviews of your competitors as well. They can reveal desired features, opportunity areas, and influence your sales messaging so that you are saying the right thing, to the right people, at the right time.

From experience, I can tell you that sifting through reviews and knowing what to look for can be confusing and time-consuming. Especially if you are a solopreneur or a small business. GapScout systemizes the process and does the heavy-lifting for you.Ā All you need to do is decide which action to take with your newfound insights.

When I was running LearnDash, I was constantly keeping an eye on the pulse of the market. What people were saying about my product, and also my competition. As a result, I was able to:

  • Improve my current offers
  • Find new opportunities
  • Spy on competitors
  • Improve sales copy

This was my secret sauce. I know it works, and I am excited to be building a solution that lets others benefit from it as well.

Sounds cool, but why start a software company (again)?

When my role with LearnDash ended, I was able to catch my breath. Iā€™ll admit, I was a little burnt out from doing software (especially, WordPress). As I searched for inspiration outside of tech, I was originally attracted to land investing. Truth is, itā€™s something Iā€™ve been interested in doing for a long time.

I was just about to pull the trigger on my business (everything was set up), but I stopped. Something didnā€™t feel right. I donā€™t know how to explain it, but I knew that I needed to pump the brakes again for some more self-reflection.

I realized that what energizes me the most, what I love to do, is to compete. To think creatively, to give people tremendous value, and to try to ā€œwinā€ in the game of business. The absolute best place for me to express this desire has been in software. Itā€™s fun for me, but only if I believe in the software that I am building & selling.

I feel this way with GapScout. I completely believe in the value it can provide solopreneurs and small businesses selling services or products. I canā€™t wait to help people make more sales!

Even though itā€™s only the beginning of this journey, the response I have been getting from folks has been overwhelmingly positive. They want this product, and Iā€™m excited to bring it to fruition.

If GapScout sounds cool to you, and youā€™re interested in getting early access, you can sign-up here. An early, pre-beta phase is targeted for the October/November timeframe.

Also, I am building GapScout in public, so if you like occasional updates, then follow me on Twitter as I post insights into the process there frequently.


I am often very hard on myself when it comes to learning Spanish, so I want to take a moment and recognize a breakthrough that I had with the language.


The revenue engine behind most companies is renewal income. Be it a food delivery service or software, compounding renewals is what helps move up your bottom floor up year-over-year.

But the thing that many entrepreneurs donā€™t realize is that the process of selling customers on your product initially is different from selling customers on the renewal purchase. In theory, selling an existing customer should be easier than getting a new one, but only if you do it right!

Emotional Messaging vs. Validating Actions

I really enjoy the process of positioning a brand. It was my favorite part of running LearnDash, and I got pretty good at it.

What I enjoyed most is that it forced me to be creative, discover gaps in the market, and create messaging around emotional triggers that get people genuinely excited to make a purchase.

But if your product has a renewal (you should), the sales validation process is different. Specifically, you need to move from emotional messaging to validating by actions, and the best way to do this is by:

  1. Making customer requested improvements to your product.

  2. Effectively communicating these improvements.

Making continual improvements to your product is a given, but you should be thinking about two audiences with these efforts: new customers and current ones.

New functionality designed to bring in more customers is a natural part of any marketing strategy. To remain competitive in a market, you need to be current with the latest trends. This is where you use your intuition to develop (and position) your product accordingly.

Features that you develop for current customers are not a waste of time or effort. In fact, these kinds of releases are more beneficial than features designed solely for bringing in new customers. If you please your current customers, then they are more likely to give you that word-of-mouth marketing that companies dream of, and that is way more valuable than any paid ad campaign.

But aside from this benefit, creating functionality that your customers ask for is a surefire way to keep them around.

Look, there are an endless number of software solutions available today. Some are dirt-cheap, so competing on price isnā€™t going to get you anywhere.

What does get you somewhere is your responsiveness and willingness to hear out the use-cases of your customers, and then use those drive a portion of your development. This reinforces a customerā€™s initial decision to purchase your product (people hate to be wrong). It shows them that you are committed to them and their success.

You Need to Bring the Hype!

More important than anything (and I cannot stress this enough), you need to over-communicate what it is you are doing, specifically why it matters to your customers.

This is where most businesses get it wrong.

They listen to customers and develop ā€œcrowd pleasingā€ functionality, but then they suck at getting the word out about it. They fire off an email and thatā€™s about it. I mean, if you do the bare minimum, then expect a bare minimum response.

While itā€™s not necessary for every release you do, at least once a quarter you should be building a robust marketing hype train with your new releases. Things like:

  • Teasing the new functionality on social media with screenshots.
  • Creating pre-release videos to share with customers.
  • Working with your affiliates to notify them of the new functionality, why itā€™s good, and how they can spread the word.
  • Doing live webinars to show the new stuff in action.
  • Creating a release blog post and video(s) to show it all off.
  • Holding post-release webinars to demonstrate further.
  • Sharing case studies with the new functionality in action.
  • Running re-retargeting campaigns.
  • Having a limited time sale in conjunction with the announcement.
  • Emailing people who didnā€™t open your initial email (several times).
  • Contacting folks who let their license expire and give them a limited-time discount to jump back on board with your product.

Honestly, the above is just scratching the surface on what you should be doing. If youā€™re excited, that will get other people excited. You show people you are excited by making a lot of noise, plain and simple.

Keep your current customers excited, and they will reward you by sticking around.

The excitement you generate with your releases translates to new customers (because of the hype) but it also shows your commitment to existing ones.

When their renewal hits, theyā€™ll remember that you keep giving them a return on investment. Youā€™ll be giving folks FOMO if they don't renew. People who let their account expire will jump back on board (you should be emailing old customers about the exciting stuff youā€™re doing).

You need to over-communicate.

You need to beat your own drum and never stop.

Remember that you are competing with an infinite number of other options out there ā€” it pays to be the loudest one in the room.

#WordPress #entrepreneurship


Itā€™s a sad time to be an American.

Well, ā€œembarrassingā€ is probably a better word.

As if the insanity of weekly mass shootings wasnā€™t enough, Roe v. Wade was overturned, thrusting the country back 50-years into an America of yesteryear.

Itā€™s no secret: Iā€™m not a Republican. If someone were to ever call me one, I would be deeply offended, an insult among insults. Republican policy today is why the entire world looks at us like weā€™re crazy. In fact, the only thing that Republicans do well is pass legislation, and it is scary. as. fuck.

Iā€™ve been asking myself: where in the holy hell are all the Democrats? How is it possible that the Democrats have a majority in the government yet still are getting their asses handed to them by the Republican Party? In the past 20 years, Obamacare is the only significant Democratic legislation passed, and even that has been shredded into pieces by the powerhouse that is the GOP.

As I quickly approach ā€œmidlifeā€, I am keenly aware that I donā€™t have anything in common with half of my country.

When I was a kid, I drank the American exceptionalism Kool-Aid. We were all Americans, united, living in the greatest country on the planet. That sentiment.

By name, yes, we are all Americans. But there are two, very distinct Americas. Two ideologies. Two worldviews. Only one of them supports civil and social liberties that are beneficial to the greater good (spoiler: itā€™s not the party that advocates for the sale of high-powered assault rifles).

Like everyone, I have some people in my life who vote Republican. I have to admit, it makes me question everything about them. Even with their education, they say things like:

I prefer small government, thatā€™s why I vote Republican.

Maybe that was the case in 1950, but it sure as hell isnā€™t the case anymore. A quick look at the Federal deficit over the past 25 years is evidence of that.

What folks are really saying is that they believe minorities and underrepresented segments of the population are in the situation they are in because of some fault of their own, and they donā€™t deserve any help. Itā€™s a mix of ignorance, racism, classism, and denial. Itā€™s the result of people living in a fantasy land. Itā€™s deeply woven in the fabric of American exceptionalism and ā€œThe American dreamā€ propaganda.

If you vote for todayā€™s Republican Party, then you are in support of all of this nonsense. You help to put the people in power that continue to strip women and minorities of their fundamental human rights. You are on the wrong side of history, and should be deeply ashamed.

But alas, those who vote Republican donā€™t feel this way. Theyā€™ll do the usual mental gymnastics to justify their actions. However, if you peel back a few layers of the onion, you quickly see where they are out of touch, or in denial, about the realities of this country.

Finding my America.

As I write this, Lorena and I are living in Texas, but we are getting the hell out of here. I am certain that will make the majority of the populace happy, as they donā€™t want our liberal mindset anyhow. They want their out-of-touch-Ted-Cruz version of America, and they can have it.

California will eventually be our home, and once we settle in, I will personally be doing a little soul-searching. There is a part of me that is starting to grow tired of sitting on the sidelines as people get continually marginalized by the uneducated. Real change happens when real people get into the game ā€“ be it in politics or social causes.


When I was a kid, my parents enrolled me into sports year-round. In the fall I was playing soccer, winter basketball, spring was baseball and soccer, and in the summer I went to soccer camps.

There was a method to this madness. Truth is, I was a pretty mischievous kid and easily found trouble if my time wasnā€™t filled (even with all these sports, I still managed to drive my parents crazy šŸ˜†).

The sports let me spend my energy productively, and aside from filling my time, I learned about setting goals, how to deal with disappointment, discipline, how to get along with others, how to show respect, and how to follow directions.

I took this same ā€œbe busyā€ attitude into my teenage years and early adulthood. It served me well. But it wasnā€™t until I was a little older, wiser maybe, that I started to reflect upon this ā€œfill my timeā€ culture and realized that, despite its upsides, it has some pretty troubling downsides as well.

Choose Nothing

Doing nothing and just ā€œbeingā€ is a valid, arguably more productive use of time.

Perhaps itā€™s an American thing, or a Western Culture concept, but it seems like we dislike ā€œidle timeā€. We fill it with tasks, activities, apps, and projects.

There is nothing inherently wrong with any of these things. Everyone needs something to keep them mentally sharp. But what about those times in your life when you donā€™t have anything planned?

Instead of filling that time, or stressing about an expectation to do something, what if you left that time empty instead, giving yourself permission to not do anything?

I have learned to do this over the past few months, and while itā€™s not always easy, I think it has been a net positive for my mental well-being. When I am not thinking about ā€œfuture landā€, I am forced to live in the present. I have the opportunity to appreciate the ones I am with, and to fully capture the little moments. I am fully appreciating the gift of time.

Donā€™t Make Plans

Have you ever tried not to plan out a day and then to live that day with a present mindset? Itā€™s harder than you think!

Look, I get it, planning our days and weeks makes us feel like we are productive, and feeling productive makes us feel good. Iā€™m not implying that being busy is a bad way to live your life. However, it just canā€™t be the only way to live.

You may find something else difficult about not making plans for one day: it wonā€™t stop other people from trying to fill your day with plans! This can actually be a little overwhelming, but remember that you are in control of your time. Put up a boundary and stick to it.

Live in the current moment with your ā€œno planā€ day. If youā€™re tired, take a nap. If youā€™re bored, read a book for a bit. Go for a walk. Get a little exercise if you feel up for it. Finally, spend some time just sitting. Reflect and/or meditate. Just be at peace.

You donā€™t have to be alone during this time. Enjoy the company of others. Have a meal with friends or family. Play with your kids. Embrace the beauty of living with intention and in the moment.

Most importantly: donā€™t stress about the future because that isnā€™t guaranteed anyhow. And donā€™t dwell on the past because whatā€™s done is done.

Just be present and grateful for the time that you have. You will find that without all of that extra weight on your mind, you will have more energy when you return to your planning ways!


We are coming close to halfway through 2022, and Iā€™m checking in on my progress with Spanish. I have been writing about my goals on this site for some time, and I tend to be very honest with my status, probably even a little harsh.

My goal is to eventually look back at these posts, hopefully when Iā€™m effortlessly fluent, and remember the journey that it took to get to that point. I donā€™t care what you read or hear: learning a second language takes a lot of consistent effort.

So, with that in mindā€¦ how are things going?

On pace to meet my conversational fluency goal.

In January, I wrote my Spanish goals for 2022 where the overall goal was to be at an advanced B2 level (possibly even low C1) by the end of the year.

As of right now, I am at a low B2 level when it comes to speaking, which is close to the first level of official fluency. That said, it can vary on the conversation topic and time of day. I still get caught up in certain situations and I sometimes have to think a little too much. I believe that I am on pace to meet an intermediate to advanced B2 level for speaking by the end of the year.

Regarding listening, I am finding that the language is slowing down for me, so I am able to better understand what people are saying to me, and I am also quicker to say what I want to say with less time spent translating in my head. While this isnā€™t always the case (sometimes I have days when itā€™s just not clicking), this level of comfort with the language is starting to become my norm ā€“ and itā€™s incredibly encouraging!

There are a few things that have helped me over the past five or six months to get to this point:

  • More structured lessons with my teacher
  • Watching Las Chicas del Cable on Netflix
  • Speaking with strangers

First and foremost, my lessons with my tutor have been more structured than last year, but admittedly, not as structured as when I started. However, I think this is due to the fact that I now have the ability to just shoot-the-shit in Spanish. Sometimes I donā€™t feel like a formal lesson, so we just chat about whatever. I need to get a little more disciplined though for the remainder of the year if I want to progress grammatically.

Next, I have found that watching Spanish shows on Netflix have really been beneficial for my comprehension. Specifically, Lorena and I have been watching Las Chicas del Cable, a very dramatic and interesting show taking place in the 1920s in Spain at a telephone company.

The actors have a Spain accent (as opposed to one from Mexico, which I am more accustomed to), and they speak about a million miles per hour. I use Spanish subtitles, so I can try to grasp the conversations, which isnā€™t always easy. Luckily, I have Lorena to help clarify what is going on when I run into trouble. I think this has had one of the biggest impacts on my Spanish so far this year, and it was pretty unexpected!

Finally, this year, I have been putting myself out there more and starting up conversations with strangers in Spanish. There is a delicate balance here because I never want to offend anyone by implying they donā€™t speak English well. Usually, I ask if they speak Spanish and depending on their reaction, Iā€™ll switch over. I suppose another good option would be to just let them know that I am studying, and if they would be okay if I practiced.

Despite making good progress in these areas, I know that I could (and should) be doing more.

While I am pleased with the progress I have made by using the methods just mentioned, I know that I could be doing more to progress quicker in the language. I don't know, sometimes I just lose motivation. I suppose that is normal, but it frustrates me just the same.

By way of example, I havenā€™t posted on my Spanish blog (Gringocios) on a regular basis. I think itā€™s perhaps because the subject of the site is boring me a bit (business and entrepreneurship). The world has plenty of people pontificating ā€“ I donā€™t want to just be another person adding to the noise. I think I need to consider diversifying my post topics, and perhaps that will get me back on track.

I also have taken a step back from reading, which is sad because I think reading books in Spanish is probably the one thing that helps me the most. Iā€™ll be honest, I have never been much of a reader, so I think therein is the issue.

That said, I recently purchased few books and just finished one. They are small, short stories designed for people who are learning the language. Itā€™s more difficult to find these books given that my current level (I search for those written at a B2 level) but I find them to be incredibly helpful in understanding grammatical structures.

My commitment to vocabulary flash cards hasnā€™t been strong so far this year. I take notes on vocab words during my lessons, but I havenā€™t been revisiting them on a regular basis. Recently, I have started to change this, and I am slowly catching up with all my flash cards.

Finally, I admit that I donā€™t talk to Lorena enough in Spanish. We say some things to each other during a day in Spanish, but primarily we speak in English. This is my fault. I need to commit to speaking more with her, so I get practice speaking on different topics.

I plan to start telling her a story every day in Spanish. Something small to begin, but perhaps over time we expand that to more. I just have to commit to it.

The journey never ends, but I am starting to get somewhere.

Learning Spanish will be a lifelong journey, and I know that Iā€™ll never feel like I am ā€œdoneā€, but at this point, I feel like I am getting somewhere with all the effort that I have been putting into it.

I have always wanted to have conversations without much strain for the other person, and I am starting to experience that on a more regular basis. I hope that soon this becomes even more effortless.

I look forward to the end of the year and to seeing where I am no up with my level. If I supplement what I am doing with some of the opportunity areas I mentioned, then I am sure Iā€™ll be at an excellent place heading into 2023.


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