🌐 Justin's Blog

The personal blog of Justin Ferriman

Another year in the books, marking the end of a long, long chapter.

It's the end of yet another year. Something I've started to become more grateful for is just the very gift of life. I was fortunate to live another year, and it was the most healthy during that time (barring a cold or two). For this, I feel very fortunate.

As I did in my recap post last year, I have categorized my recap from a professional and personal life...

Professional Life was Slow... for Once

I'll get to the reasons why in my personal life update, but I'll just say that for the first time in my entrepreneurial life, things were slow in 2024.

At times this was difficult for me, but there were more moments where I was grateful that I didn't have as much going on. This afforded me the mental space to disconnect and not worry about constantly trying to make a project or vision a reality. It also meant that when I was working with clients, I was more focused on helping them with their situations (and they benefited).

Very Little Outbound Sales

At the end of 2023, I was having free consultation calls with a lot of people for my coaching and mastermind group. This involved a lot of cold outreach on my part, which was fine, but time-consuming and not all the free calls turned into paying clients.

This year, I think I had maybe two free calls in the January timeframe, one in the summer, and that's it.

As you would expect, my pipeline began to dry up, and there was a moment where my mastermind group became lean and mean.

But you know what? I liked it.

First, these folks were the most committed entrepreneurs. It comes as no surprise that they were all seeing success and making more money.

But second, it freed up my personal schedule quite a bit. This was something I needed because of the life events I had going on. Truth be told, I had zero motivation to try to get more clients this year.

Still Landed More Clients

Despite the lack of outreach on my part, I was still able to get some more clients. Sure, the pipeline was dry for long periods of time, but occasionally someone would reach out to me unsolicited, and after a little back-and-forth via email, we'd end up working together.

Overall, I'd say that I have a core group of clients who really get a lot out of my coaching because they listen, brainstorm, and implement the ideas that we discuss. There are others who are less active, but still appreciate the perspective that I can offer regarding their situations.

Finished the BrightGrowth Playbook

It took me way longer than I anticipated, but I finally finished writing the BrightGrowth Playbook. I've given access to everyone that I am currently coaching, and I continue to add content to it as I remember strategies and tactics I've used over the years. I also add insights that I gain from my coaching calls.

I think that next year I'll try selling access, but I'm in no rush to figure that out right now. The content is great, but I find that coupling it with coaching is what really enhances its applicability. In any event, it's a nice mini-project for next year, should I indeed decide to sell it.

Product Only Clients in 2025

I've had the opportunity to coach people across a variety of industries, both in and out of WordPress. Something I learned this year: while I enjoy coaching anyone in the WordPress space, I much prefer coaching product-based companies.

That's not to say I won't coach individuals with service-based offerings, but I will be focusing my outreach next year on founders of WordPress products. It's more fun for me, and seeing as I do coaching for fun, that's of critical importance.

Higher Education

I really enjoy coaching, and I'll continue to do it as long as that is the case. I am, however, becoming curious about other ways to spend my time professionally.

I've always had an interest in academia, so I recently reached out to my undergraduate and graduate school to share my story and desire to be a guest lecturer. Both replied with interest, so I'll be having some conversations as to how that could look in the new year.

I hope something works out. It could be a good way to “dip my toe” into the industry. If I like it, then I may pursue it more formally.

An Eventful Personal Life

From a personal standpoint, this year was good, but wow, it has been a bit of a rollercoaster of expectations.

Before getting into all of it, I'll start off by saying that I feel incredibly fortunate to live the life that we do. Despite the challenges we've faced, Lorena and I are both healthy. That in itself is arguably the most important thing, and it can't be overstated.

Which is actually a good introduction to the first, and most important, win of this year from a personal standpoint...

Lorena's Graves' Disease is in Remission

This was the biggest win of 2024.

Lorena was diagnosed with Graves' disease in May 2023, and it was quite the mental and physical battle for her. One thing that she did not want to do was take medicine for the rest of her life, but this was what every single doctor told us was necessary.

To her credit, Lorena refused to accept this. She started researching more about how the food we eat can have a profound impact on our health. She talked to nutritionists, dieticians, homeopathic doctors, and more. She tried some things, and when they didn't work out, she kept searching.

I'll write about it in more detail in the new year, but she finally landed on a whole food protocol designed specifically for people with thyroid issues. Well, it worked! She's in remission, and taking zero medicine for it!

Lorena Now a U.S. Citizen

Lorena has held a U.S. Green Card since she was a child. When we got married, we talked about the possibility of her becoming a U.S. citizen. Even before we met, she had always felt very comfortable with her life in the United States, both personally and professionally.

Well, in December 2024, she took her oath and officially became a U.S. citizen! It was a really cool event with over 1,300 people in attendance. The top five countries represented, in order:

  1. Mexico 🇲🇽
  2. Vietnam 🇻🇳
  3. South Korea 🇰🇷
  4. China 🇨🇳
  5. Philippines 🇵🇭

The event took about four hours total, with the actual ceremony lasting about 40 minutes. With over 1,300 new citizens, there was a lot of family in attendance!

We Finally Moved

We bought our new home in May 2024, but didn't move until this month (December). There were a variety of reasons for this — flooding and water damage in both homes, being unable to sell the existing home, and design work in the new home taking longer than expected.

We finally just set a date and went for it. We live in Culver City now, and we're loving the conveniences and lifestyle. We live on a peaceful, tree-lined street that is only a five-minute walk to downtown. This means we can walk to coffee shops, restaurants, various gyms, and activities (my daily walk to the cafe is becoming a favorite activity).

It's about 15 minutes away from the beach by car, which is a tad longer than my two minutes in San Clemente, but that's the only tradeoff I feel that I've had to make.

I can't wait to get involved in the LA area. I'm already enjoying same-day Amazon deliveries!

Fewer Trips than Normal

The beginning of the year was busier with trips due to two weddings, but then we had to cut back on the travel because of the house situation. That lasted about six months longer than we anticipated, and it really hindered our ability to go anywhere.

This year, we were fortunate to go to:

Most of our travel was for family, which is definitely not a bad thing. We will try to go to more places in 2025, including more long weekends driving around California. There is so much to see here, and we've only scratched the surface.

Spanish on Point

I haven't written much about my journey in Spanish lately, but probably because since I've reached fluency, I feel like I've just been slowly getting more solid in my conversational comprehension.

If I'm honest, I'm not entirely sure if I have the drive to get to that “next” level. I can say pretty much everything now. Maybe not eloquently, but it works. I'm also able to follow most conversations.

Currently, I listen to a Spanish news podcast a few times a week, take one to two private lessons with a tutor, and speak to Lorena and her family in Spanish. And now that I'm in the LA area, I speak Spanish with anyone who is willing. The more I just strike up conversations, the more confidence I get, and I always find myself learning something new.

All that said, the best way for me to improve at this point would be to read more. I'm terrible at making time to read in English, let alone Spanish. But, according to my tutor, reading is where it's at for my level. I'll make this a goal for Q1 next year.

Started Regular Mindfulness

This year, I started to be more deliberate in taking time to quiet my mind with mindfulness techniques. I've taken time to reflect upon this here on my blog. I find that even 10 minutes can leave me feeling more calm and less controlled by emotions. It has helped me to better recognize and live in the moment. I highly recommend it if it's not something you've done in the past.

I'll absolutely continue this practice. I'm trying to gain more inner balance and peace. So far, this has worked well.

Feeling Good about 2025

Something I've learned in my life is that I need to stop trying to predict the future. So with that in mind, I'll just say that I am optimistic about 2025.

I'm most looking forward to creating a new life in Culver City — exploring the neighborhood, hopefully making some friends, getting involved in various activities, among other things. If we're lucky, we'll throw some trips in there as well, and our health will continue down the right path.

Here's to making the next year the most eventful one yet!


I wrote 36 blog posts this year - here are the most popular ones.

Writing has always been a form of therapy for me. I enjoy the reflection, the physical process, and just documenting my experiences for future reference. I write about topics ranging from personal events, entrepreneurship, WordPress, mindfulness, politics, health, and happiness.

As you would expect, some posts are more popular than others. Below are my five most popular posts in 2024 based on number of views:

  1. Matt vs WP Engine: Too Far?
  2. WP Business Mistakes
  3. Blogging Alternative to WordPress
  4. WordPress Pricing
  5. Winning in WordPress

Occasionally I write on Medium. Here are my top three articles this year:

  1. How to Grow from $1M to $2M ARR
  2. 6 Profitable Lessons from My Startup to Exit Journey
  3. Pricing Strategies That Work

Stay in The Know

While I often blog, I don't always email my list. I try to limit it to just one email a month, sometimes two. And these are typically my better posts, not my personal ones where I'm documenting my life.

If you're not already, then you can subscribe below. I don't spam my list, and I value your privacy (there is no email tracking).

Also, if you're up for it, let's connect on Bluesky!

Have a great holiday!

#WordPress #entrepreneurship

I've been trying to find peace of mind, and to me, that means silence.

I write this on a foggy morning in California. I can't see past the end of my backyard, the fog is so thick. There are no lights, just the soft glow of the sun slowly illuminating the day.

It's peaceful. It's quiet. And for the first time in a long time, my mind is at ease as well. At least at this moment.

For much of my life, I've been at the whim of my thoughts. Whether positive or negative, my thoughts were uncontrollable — especially as a younger man.

But as I progressed into my 30s, I began to work more on my cognitive fortitude. That is, thinking about the way I was thinking. Some major life events forced this upon me, and if I'm honest, I couldn't have done it alone. I spent hours speaking to therapists, journaling, and learning to be my own advocate. I cried, laughed, commiserated, and celebrated.

Control The Controllables

On the cusp of 40 now, I'm learning more about how I think, and more importantly, how to quiet my mind. Mindfulness exercises help, but it's not just during these specific times. I've been slowly learning to adjust my perspective.

Much of my stress and pain comes from thinking too much about the past or future. Two places that don't exist, but the pain is real. Like many people, I try to think through all possible scenarios of what might happen, and then my reaction to each of them.

This thought process takes its toll. Yes, it's good to be prepared, but this kind of thinking is subject to catastrophic thinking and continuous rumination.

So, I've made a shift. I think about what is controllable, and I focus on that. In most cases, this means focusing on my reaction and feelings at the moment. I have no control over what “might happen”, but all the control over my reaction right here, right now.

Forced to be Present

The byproduct of focusing on my reaction and living is the moment is that I am more mentally present. I don't ruminate on the past as much anymore, instead using it as a teacher for how to control my reactions in the day I am living.

Tomorrow is not promised. All that exists is the here and now. I am finding peace of mind by embracing that instead of thinking about a future that may never come to pass.

Rejecting Negativity

Our minds have a way of hyper-focusing on negativity. It's a survival instinct that must be overridden. When I find myself stressed, I become aware of negative thoughts cycling through my head. These then cause more stress, and more negative thoughts — an unfortunate snowball effect.

I'm learning to reject our inherently human negativity bias. It's not easy, and I'm not perfect, but I'm getting better at it. I accomplish this through logic and grounding.

Negative thoughts and feelings are emotion-based, and as such, logic has a calming effect. If I have swirling negative thoughts, I think about the advice that I would give to a friend if I were helping them through it. This separates me from the emotions. It allows space for logic to really “land”.

But the other part of this is to be in a place where the logic can stick, and I do that by grounding myself with mindfulness techniques. Simply closing my eyes and focusing on my breath forces me into the present moment and out of my emotions.

Evolution, Not a Destination

I'm evolving in my journey to achieve a silent mind and inner peace. There will never be a time when I feel that I've obtained it because evolution doesn't have an end, because that's not the goal of evolution.

Evolution is about adaptation to the environment. My environment will change over the years, and I'll continue to evolve to not only survive, but to ultimately thrive in the place where I exist, at that moment.


It's November, so that means it's travel season.

Every November, Lorena and I begin our rounds visiting family. Typically, we make an annual trip at this time to Connecticut to either celebrate some birthdays or Thanksgiving. This year, we are going for some birthdays for a week.

There were a handful of visitors, so we stayed in a hotel in Norwalk, which was only 10 minutes or so from everyone. We celebrated our nephew's birthday, as well as the birthday of Lorena's youngest sister. As usual, we had some good laughs and made memories. There is comfort in tradition, and for about five years now, this has been a regular part of our lives.

After that visit, we flew directly to Michigan to stay with my parents and to see our other two nephews. My brother and his family drove in from Illinois, which gave us an opportunity to all be together (similar to when we visited them over the summer and my parents joined us).

Unfortunately, my brother could only stay for the weekend. Lorena and I spent more time with my parents (celebrating my dad's birthday), and then made a point to see some of my best friends, including one who just recently had a baby last month. That was really fun — we are very happy for them.

Thanksgiving this year will look different. Even though we're still trying to sell the house, we are moving to our new one in December. So, this year for Thanksgiving, we are going to be preparing for the big move. It'll be a lot of work, but it's exciting!


Large portions of the WordPress Twitter community are migrating over to Bluesky.

In the past week, the WordPress community has been joining the growing “X-Odus” of users leaving X/Twitter, finding a new digital home on the emerging social platform Bluesky.

As Bluesky's growth accelerates, WordPress professionals are leveraging community-curated “Starter Packs” – curated lists of WordPress developers, designers, and community leaders that users can follow with a single click. These packs are rapidly accelerating the rebuild of professional networks that took years to cultivate on X.

A Welcomed Change

The migration appears to be driven by more than just X fatigue. Bluesky's decentralized structure, customizable algorithms, and ad-free environment are resonating with the WordPress community's open-source values.

The platform also offers the ability to fine-tune feed content and moderation settings. This, combined with high follow-back rates among WordPress professionals, is fostering stronger engagement than they've seen in recent years on other platforms.

As more of the community makes the switch, these WordPress Starter Packs are becoming valuable resources for maintaining professional connections, and they are helpful for finding folks with similar interests.

One, or Both?

Does this mean X/Twitter is no longer relevant? No, of course not.

As of today, there is still a very strong WordPress community on Twitter, and that probably isn't going to change anytime soon. Many people, myself included, are posting on both platforms.

That said, I'm more active on Bluesky than Twitter now. I'll continue to maintain my Twitter account for the time being and will assess how things play out over time. I may shut down Twitter altogether.

If you're timid about getting started, don't be! It's easy to build up a network, and you can always follow me, and I’ll gladly follow you back! 🦋


Democrats were trounced in this election, and we only have ourselves to blame.

I have taken some time to step away from my political involvement. It's not that I don't care about what's going on, but for my own mental health, I needed a break.

The reelection of Trump as President was a hard pill to swallow. I accept the result, of course (I'm not a conspiracy theorist), but I am in shock that it is even a result that I have to accept.

And that, I believe, is part of the problem.

This election taught me something valuable about myself: I am part of that group that is apparently out of touch with American sentiment. The ideals championed by the Democratic Party were not strong enough to invigorate the electorate. At least not like before.

Back to Our Roots

There are times when I feel like the election still hasn’t sunk in. It really feels like I'm living some kind of inevitable, terrible dream.

But that sinking feeling aside, what I do know is that the Dems really messed up in this election, and losing the popular vote was just additional damning evidence that our messaging is not landing, nor energizing, the base.

We need to get back to core liberalism:

  • Bolstering the middle class
  • Promoting living wage policies
  • Championing universal healthcare as a right
  • Fighting for women’s rights and gender equality
  • Supporting labor unions
  • Pushing for gun control
  • Making education affordable and free
  • Protecting the environment

Frankly, we spent too much time calling MAGA supporters “idiots” (or, implying they are) but then failed to make the case for why the world is better with Dems in charge. We didn't explain exactly why, in detail, life would be better in America with a Democrat in the White House versus a MAGA Republican.

Republican Marketing is Effective

On the other hand, Trump made his case for why life would be better with him in charge, and the Republicans were far better at marketing that message. Their marketing machine resonated and gave people a reason to vote for something as opposed to just against someone. Voting for something brings out the base to vote.

Trump's message and MAGA are both here to stay, the Republican Party has voted for this same guy three times now! It's time for Democrats to understand that, and take it seriously. It's time we accept this, and that the Republican Party of Reagan is dead. It's a new beast.

Prepare (and Wait)

There isn't much to do right now other than prepare, and wait. The country has spoken: they want Trump's policies.

But we won't be rolling over, that much I do know.

Trump and friends will hit roadblocks at every turn. I'm fortunate to live in California because I know Trump will have a hard time making any real progress here with his policies. Lawsuits are incoming. That should slow things up quite a bit for his second and final term.

While this is happening, the Democrats need to rediscover a more universal identity that the electorate can get excited about. Is it more to the left? Is it more centrist? I’m honestly not sure, but we need to figure it out soon, and market it effectively, so that a strong message can be sent at midterms.



Find happiness in knowing that your time requires no justification.

One of the more freeing realities that I've learned to accept in my life is that I owe nobody an explanation for how I use my time. It wasn't always this way for me, and I suspect that many of you still feel guilty when you choose to spend your time doing something for yourself instead of for someone else.

I think the whole notion of justifying our time comes from childhood. Growing up, we often had to explain our actions to our parents. Why we were doing something other than our homework, as one example. This can easily carry into young adulthood in the event that your parents helped you financially in the early years.

The point is, it's an ingrained behavior, so when we choose to spend our time at the “expense” of someone else, we feel guilty. We feel like we need to present a valid explanation for our choice.

You Owe Nobody an Explanation

The reality is, you don't owe anyone an explanation. If you'd like, you can tell them that you have chosen to do something else, but even that isn't really needed (though, it could be seen as polite).

If you want to stay at home instead of joining the family reunion, then do that if it's what you want. If you feel that is what is best for you, then to hell with the objection or opinions of anyone else.

Time is finite, and its value can't be measured. Spend it wisely, and spend it the way you want to spend it. It's yours, and never let anyone make you feel guilty about using it the way that you want to.


Let go of the idea of being in control, and trust that all will be okay.

Trusting a process is hard to do because it often means that you have to give up control, but in reality, it means giving up perceived control. The truth is that we aren't in control of much. When we feel like we are, we are more at ease, but I am beginning to learn that the opposite is true: we are never in control.

When we let go of control, we can finally rest. The mind has to work hard to pretend to be in control. It thinks through all possible scenarios over and over, then determines what your reaction should be to all these scenarios, and then how you should feel about them. Real feelings. Fake events.

Instead, I think it's better to:

  • Trust in your instincts.
  • Trust in the uncontrollable.
  • Trust in your future self's ability.

The human ego is so enormous that we think we can not only control potential outcomes, but that we can also predict the future. I've been reflecting on this lately, and in doing so, I have come to realize that quieting my mind is not a matter of making sure everything is “under control”, but instead it's about stopping an inherent desire to control everything.

Making this mindset shift is incredibly difficult, but necessary if you want to realize a true inner calm in your daily life. I implore you to surrender yourself to the unknown, and to also trust in yourself. Invite peace into your life — you're the only one who can give yourself permission.


It has taken longer than expected, but I finally earned my fourth stripe in BJJ.

In April 2023, I decided to take up Gracie Jiu-jitsu. Well, a year and a half later, I have finally earned my fourth stripe as a White Belt. Not that I consider myself good. In fact, quite the opposite: I think I'm pretty terrible.

But, I'm better than anyone with no training... so I guess there's that!

The journey has been a long one to this point. I've seen people start after me, and advance quicker than me. However, many (if not most) of these people have also already quit. This is a hobby of determination and consistency. Like learning Spanish, I'm in this for the long run — making incremental improvements along the way.

Slow and Steady

My path has been full of doubt, injuries, taking breaks, starting over, and eventually coming back to my original gym. I spent significant time really coming to terms with the kind of experience I wanted to have with BJJ. I'm not getting any younger, and I realized that I needed to change the way I work out if I want to continue this into my later years.

I'm still a ways off from earning a Blue Belt, but hey, I'm a heck of a lot closer than I was a year ago. I'm grateful for that.

And well, this is the last achievement I'm likely to earn at my current gym as we are set to move to our new home in Culver City pretty soon.


My favorite place, one final time.

If there is one thing I have been grateful for during our time in San Clemente, it has been the proximity to the ocean. Spending an hour or so on the beach was never disruptive. It made it easy for us to just decide to go without much fuss. I also took multiple walks per week along the path that runs along the beach up to the San Clemente pier. I've always enjoyed the sounds and smells of the ocean.

The beach weather can be hit or miss in October. We've had a lot of fog as of late, and it has been quite chilly. But these last four or five days it has been beautiful. Perfect beach weather, in fact.

But yesterday was a beautiful day, so we decided to spend an hour or so in the sand. The sun was shining, and the water was cold (as is the case with the Pacific Ocean), but that didn't stop me from getting in. It occurred to me that it was also our last time going to the beach here in San Clemente.

By November, we'll have other things on our plate, especially since we are moving before the end of the year to Culver City. So it was good to get one last visit in before that happens. We'll still be close to the beach at our new place, but not less than a mile, like we are today.

All that said, I'm looking forward to going to the beaches around LA. Sure, they'll have a little more activity, but that's part of the fun.


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