šŸŒ Justin's Blog


The debate went about as well, and as poorly, as we all thought knew it would.

I wanted to wait a few days before writing my initial post-presidential debate reaction. I was feeling a lot of emotions immediately after the debate, mostly anger, disgust, and dismay at the fact that the country's psyche is still held hostage by Trump, so I felt it best to let the dust settle first.

As Lorena and I watched the debate, she calmly sat on the couch while I paced around the room in circles, looking up at the T.V. and listening to the responses from both candidates. Well, one serious candidate, and then the ramblings of one of the most out-of-touch, mentally declining people I have ever seen in my life.

But Donald falling off the rails wasn't an accident. Vice President Kamala Harris played him. She put out the bait, he took it, and then some. All she had to do was sit back and wait because he would eventually bury himself with his inability to just let things go ā€” and boy did he.

My Notable Moments

While there are plenty of soundbites from the first debate, many of which are memes now. But, here are a few that linger in my mind:

  • Eating dogs. I have to be honest, I didn't even know that this was a discussion point prior to the debate, so when Trump started to spout off about eating dogs & cats, I was at a loss for words. In my mind, he absolutely lost the debate at this point, and convinced many voters to go with Harris.
  • Unsubstantiated claims. Trump is famous for just saying shit that he thinks sounds good. Things like, ā€œI'll end the war before I'm even in officeā€. This is so incredibly insulting to our intelligence.
  • Poor response to war in Gaza. I didn't think Harris really did a good job in her answer relating to what is happening in Gaza. She made a point to twice reaffirm our commitment to defending Israel. I don't think that was really the message we needed to be sending (we already know that's the case), and it overshadowed the travesties occurring in the region.
  • Fired by 81 million people. This was probably the best line of the entire debate. Vice President Harris reminding Trump that 81 million people voted against him, and that he was having a hard time processing that. Trump visibly upset at that line.
  • Refused to support Ukraine. Trump was asked if he would support a Ukraine victory as President. This is a layup of a question, yet he refused to take the correct stance. It's a clear indication as to where his loyalties lie.
  • Trump couldn't help himself. After just 10 minutes, Trump started to yell, sweat, spit his lies into the microphone ā€” and it was all just as Kamala Harris planned. She floated out some bait for Trump, and every single time he couldn't help but take it. The longer that this went on, the more his outburst became alarmingly outlandish.

There were many points to mention, but overall, Vice President Harris looked far more presidential and in control.

I couldn't stay silent on one thing...

After the debate, many of the memes circling around social media were making fun of Trump's comments on immigrants eating pets. On one hand, I get it. Being laughed at is the worst nightmare for someone like Trump, so I'm here for that.

That said, what he said is deeply offensive. I especially feel this because my wife, Lorena, is Mexican. I had to address the seriousness of what was said.

It makes no difference if an immigrant came to this country legally or not, dehumanizing people for the sake of political ā€œshock valueā€ is cruelty that is indefensible, and flat-out wrong.

Trump deserves to be ridiculed for his absurd statements, but let's also remember that behind those statements is a deeply racist sentiment that cannot go unchecked.

The ā€œSpinā€ has Begun

Trump had a very bad night, and everyone knows it. Well, everyone except for him. So, as you would expect, the right wing media is in a frenzy to start to discredit the one-sidedness of the debate.

I've seen articles cry that the moderators were ganging up on Trump, making it essentially three versus one. I didn't get that at all.

Trump spoke out of turn after every exchange. He always had to get the last word in, and the moderators allowed it every single time. If anything, I was getting pissed because when Vice President Harris tried to do that just one time, they cut her off. Plus, no one forced Trump to lie and to talk about eating animals. That was his own doing.

Yes, Trump was fact-checked more, but he lied a lot. He had considerably more inaccuracies (and that's being polite about it) than Vice President Harris. Besides, how do you not fact-check someone when they claim babies are being killed immediately after birth?

To the surprise of nobody, he is claiming he won (citing a poll from Newsmax... of all places), and that he won't do another debate because winners don't give ā€œrematchesā€. Yet, let's not forget that he wanted another debate immediately after he first debated President Biden, and he thought he won that one too. This will backfire on him. He'll be called out for being a coward ā€” and rightfully so. Vice President Harris made him quit!

Oh, and there are some who float the idea that Vice President Harris had advanced notice of the questions beforehand. Even some whispers that she was wearing an ā€œearpieceā€ and that everything was ā€œriggedā€. The level of stupidity is incomprehensible.

Let's not forget: whenever Trump uses the word ā€œriggedā€, it's when he knows he actually lost. The 2020 election, his court cases, and now this debate.

Elon creates an unfortunate sideshow.

Taylor Swift posted her support quite eloquently on Instagram, a huge moment for the Harris campaign. Taylor Swift has incredible influence, despite the Right trying to downplay it. It also doesn't hurt that she is from Pennsylvania either, a key battleground state.

Apparently, the ego of Elon Musk couldn't handle another billionaire getting attention. Since he likes to pretend he's an influencer, he responded to her support in the most grotesque, weird, and straight-up creepy way imaginable.

Musk thinks he is hilarious, yet doesn't realize that most people think he's insufferable. I'd venture to guess that most of his friends only are friends with him because he's rich.

Choosing Joy Over Destruction

I can't wait to be done with this entire election campaign season. As has been the case since Donald Trump came onto the scene in 2016, the Republican messaging has been just plain dark, full of distrust and disdain.

I'm tired of it, and so are many other Americans.

Vice President Harris is offering something more palatable: joy. I am choosing joy over destruction. I'm on the side of social rights, women's rights, economic growth, and dealing in facts over fantasy.

Should Vice President Harris win in November, I'm sure there will be more drama than the previous elections. But, we'll get beyond it at some point, and soon Donald Trump the person will be nothing but a stain on our entire political past. It'll be up to the Republicans to decide if they double-down with Trumpism, or if they too adapt in order to remain relevant.



Distortion, distrust, and the impact on our country.

The other day, I got to thinking about our current political situation during this election cycle, and I found myself wondering what the Founders of our country would be thinking about our modern election process.

Not the technology, or sheer number of votes compared to their era, but the overall sentiment.

Surely there was some level of distrust in the early voting, and understandably so. This was all so new, and the only thing most people really understood was monarchies. But they voted, nonetheless, with vigor and excitement. It was the dawn of a new way forward for not only our country, but the world as other countries began to follow suit.

Today, We Vote with Venom

Both sides of the political spectrum are rushing to the polls, all the while pointing fingers at one another.

Democrats donā€™t trust Republicans because they have a candidate who cannot conceive of any reality where he actually loses, and therefore will not accept the loss. I think this distrust is pretty well-founded, considering Republicans are raising the most asinine litigation currently, ā€œpriming the pumpā€ for an Election Day battle.

Republicans donā€™t trust Democrats because they feel like the election will beā€¦ stolen, I guess.

It seems that the only thing Democrats and Republicans can agree on is that if Trump loses, he wonā€™t accept the result. I canā€™t believe it has come to this.

Even worse, it has come to this and we accept it as our new normal! This is an embarrassing travesty of our political system, and the world is watching, collectively shaking their heads.

We need to be Careful

If the Republican Party doesnā€™t pivot from this ā€œany election we lose is a stolen electionā€ narrative, we will lunge further into a dark era of politics in the United States. This will trickle down to state government, and local cities and townships.

I canā€™t imagine this ever being the case, but itā€™s even possible that the Democrats retaliate against the Republicans by also claiming election fraud in any contest that they lose. Seems unlikely, but then again, so was Trump ever being president.

The danger Iā€™m seeing is that we are spiraling into a culture of disbelief. We are being told not to believe what our ears and eyes tell us ā€” but to trust politicians instead. This not only takes away our fundamental rights as citizens, itā€™s an assault against the very thing that makes us human: common sense and logical deduction.

Conspiracy theories are not a platform.

You cannot run a successful country on the notion of conspiracy theories. What matters are hard facts. Verified data is essential. And contrary to what Republicans would have us believe as of late, the opinions of experts (people who have dedicated their entire lives to a certain subject) carries more weight than the average person.

We are in a ā€œwar against intellectualismā€. Itā€™s the Dunning-Kruger effect gone wild. Someone needs to put an end to it, and that someone has to come from within the Republican Party leadership.

November is a pivot point.

If Donald Trump loses in November, then it sets up the perfect opportunity for us to get away from this scary, new form of political discourse. Republicans would have been dealt another blow in the third major election cycle. It would be clear that their messaging is not resonating. The country doesnā€™t want it.

But if Trump wins, that hope is thrown out the window. The most infuriating part about all of that is his win would be without the popular vote. That is, without the will of the people. Again.



This has been a long time coming, and I'm ready.

I typically donā€™t say much about politics on my more prominent social media (like on my Twitter account), mainly because I consider Twitter to be an extension of my professional networking, and I donā€™t like to mix politics with that part of my life.

But it doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m not political. Quite the opposite, actually.

Not many people know this, but one of my majors in college was Public Policy. I have strong convictions and opinions about social programs, policy, international relations, and the overall direction that Iā€™d like to see for our country.

For my close friends and family, itā€™s no secret that Iā€™m a registered Democrat. Iā€™m far more vocal about all of this on my Mastodon account, if youā€™re interested in connecting there.

This election cycle has been mentally taxing.

It seems like the norm for election cycles these days is hate, anger, fear, mockery, fabrications, exaggerations, and flat-out lies.

The shit is tiring.

I try to stay up-to-date with what is happening, but everyone from mainstream media to YouTubers just harp on the drama. The crazy things said. The absurd statements. The outrage.

I look at the calendar and I can't believe we are still a couple of months away from the election. We are getting battered over the head with negativity. At least thatā€™s how I feel, and itā€™s near impossible to stay fully engaged in the political process because of all the bullshit that is being thrown about.

But complacency is not an option.

The very clear reality is that this election is the most important one of my lifetime. Donald Trump is a disease on the collective conscience of this country. Heā€™s a habitual liar, racist, womanizer, and convicted felon who left our country far worse than where we are today by almost every important metric.

Some people say they can separate policy from the person. Setting aside the fact that his policies really hurt our country, I simply cannot relate to anyone who goes through the mental gymnastics to claim his personal flaws do not matter. The man is a narcissistic sociopath on full display, and proud of it. Itā€™s disgusting. He does not represent American values. Heā€™s the antithesis of it.

The unfortunate side story here is that the Republican Party has been completely hijacked, and it might not even be salvageable at this point. The results of this election will determine what happens next for the GOP. Do they revert to the conservative values and talking points of Ronald Reagan, or do they double-down on the MAGA path of division, isolationism, and hate?

Look, I donā€™t agree with most Republican policy, but I did respect it from people like John McCain, Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, and Chris Christie. I have Republican friends and family who feel the same, and they are voting for Harris this cycle simply because they want their party back. I sincerely hope that they are able to feel comfortable again within their own party.

Civic service is my new priority. My new path.

As I knock on the door of 40 years old, Iā€™ve been heavily evaluating the next phase of my life and what I want it to look like.

In my 20s, I had an insatiable desire to be an entrepreneur and to own my time. This gave rise to LearnDash and the incredible journey that took me on. I grew as a person, got to express my creativity, and learned more about business than any graduate school could ever teach. I played the game, and I won.

Following the sale of LearnDash, Iā€™ve been trying to find that inner drive again. I tried land investing, podcasting for a bit, started another software company, until last year I finally landed on helping other entrepreneurs with coaching.

But business coaching isnā€™t my end game.

I enjoy coaching and my clients (who are more like friends at this point). I will continue to do it, but I donā€™t see it as my remaining purpose. Actually, since the ending of LearnDash, I have had this feeling that I want more out of my life than just entrepreneurial endeavors.

Which brings me back to this election cycle, and the fact that it has been a bit of an inspiration. It has reignited a passion that has been dormant in me for quite some time, one that I now feel capable of pursuing, freely.

Civic service is in my future. Hopefully one day as an elected official in my local government, but thatā€™s a future goal for a later time. For now, itā€™s about starting out at a grassroots level as I look for ways to get involved in local initiatives.

That entire prospect energizes me, and I'm going to start as soon as we officially move to our new home in Culver City.

#politics #personal
