Justin Ferriman


I remember when Matt Mullenweg first announced the Gutenberg editor for WordPress, there were a slew of review posts (many critical). I have been largely quiet on the matter, as I have always felt that time was needed to give it a chance to fully develop.


LearnDash is now part of the Liquid Web family of brands, I learned a ton along this journey.


WordCamps will eventually become a thing again. The clock is going to be re-set a few years.Remember when WordCamps were a thing?


If you are creating a WordPress plugin today, then you probably have just assumed that you should have a free version. I mean, it makes sense. You can potentially get a ton of exposure right away from the WordPress Repo.


If you are selling a WordPress product then you have some very good options available to you for e-commerce.


Just like “lifetime support & updates”, renewal discounts are becoming a thing of the past.


I prioritize happiness over profits, and it pays off.

What I’m all about…

I choose to put all my energy into making my passions a reality. My focus is never on the money.

It is a simple life philosophy that has proven to be both incredibly lucrative and fulfilling.

In 2012, I started a software company (LearnDash) as a lifestyle business. I just wanted to own my time. When I sold in 2021, it had grown to 42,000+ paying subscribers, and had won several awards for online learning.

Today, spending time with my wife Lorena, studying Spanish, training Gracie jiu-jitsu, traveling in California & Mexico, and playing online chess all keep me balanced.

When I’m not doing those things, I help founders boost their profits through highly effective coaching and my 7-figure playbook.

What's here…

This is my personal blog where I write about whatever comes to mind at any given time. I often share #personal events that I have going on in life, but you'll also find:

Let's connect!

I have great conversations with the folks who subscribe for updates on this site. By joining my list, I consider you a friend.

  • I'll never try to sell you anything. Ever.
  • I won't spam you.
  • You can email me at any time just by clicking “reply”.