šŸŒ Justin's Blog


The new year has started and with it, I have a few goals in mind, one of which being my desire to progress to a more advanced level of Spanish.

Last year I spent most of my time in informal conversations. I just didnā€™t have the energy to study formally with my teacher, so we would spend our hour-long Zoom calls just chatting.

In addition, Lorena and I spent six weeks in Mexico, and I felt like that helped to improve my comfort in conversations. I had my good days and bad days. It can be incredibly frustrating trying to learn a language in a world where everyone wears a mask.

Now that we have returned from yet another extended stay in Mexico, I feel like I am trapped at my current language level. If I am honest with myself, I would say that my comprehension and speaking abilities are at a B2. Not an advanced B2 by any means. There are days when I would say that I am B1, especially if I am tired.

My goal is to be advanced B2 (or low C1) by the end of 2022.

My first year of learning Spanish was 2020. I didnā€™t know any, and by the end of the year I was at a pretty good A2 level. It wasnā€™t easy getting there, but my gains were very noticeable as I was starting from nothing.

During that time, I had three to four classes per week with my tutor. We went through the structured workbook during our time together, and outside my lessons I would read, study vocabulary, and try to watch shows in Spanish (with subtitles).

2021 was the year of conversations, as I mentioned.

Which brings me to this year. I have a strong desire to progress to that next level, and I know that I need to follow a similar strategy as 2020 to achieve it. This means I need my lessons with my tutor to be more structured again so that I can learn the more advanced grammatical structures and vocabulary.

I am up for the challenge. My primary motivation is to better communicate with Lorena and her family in their native language. I also want to better understand Mexican culture, and the best way to do that is through language.

No sense in waiting, either, as my lessons start up again this week.


I am not one to make hard-set resolutions, but I do think about the upcoming year and I have some goals in mind:

  • Help Lorena launch additional offerings at LoreFit.
  • End the year at a very solid B2 CEFR level in Spanish.
  • Start a podcast, and keep it going for the year.
  • Go on more personal trips, COVID permitting.
  • Get an idea of where we want to live (not Texas).
  • Continue to write (somewhat) consistently on this blog.
  • Visit close friends.
  • Show more gratitude, laugh easily, and love deeply.

Iā€™m sure over time I could add more to this list. For the moment, this is what is on my mind heading into 2022.

Have a safe and happy new year!


It is the end of the year, and while I am quite busy with family events during the holiday, I am also keenly aware of the impact 2021 will forever have in my life.

The coming year will have milestones as well, but there was something special about this year that will be hard to beat. Things like:

  1. Getting married

  2. Selling my business

  3. Visiting (and shopping for a home) in Lake Tahoe

  4. Progressing in Spanish

  5. Traveling to Mexico

  6. Getting vaccinated

And so much more ā€“ such as having the opportunity to travel to Dallas, Vegas, Denver, Michigan, and Connecticut with Lorena.

Of course, this year has also had its hardships. Most notably, I lost my grandmother. That has been tough, and I find myself thinking about her daily. In a way, her passing has reminded me of how precious life actually is, and to not take anything, or anyone, for granted.

For now, we are ending the year in the same way that it started: busy and with family! We will be in Chicago, Michigan, Cancun, and Mexico City over the coming weeks.

After which, we come back to Austin ā€“ but only for a short period of time, as Lorena and I will be looking to make somewhere else our home in 2022.

Merry Christmas, and see you in the new year!


Normally posts like this come at Thanksgiving, but truth is Iā€™ll be too busy to write something by then, so Iā€™m posting a week early. šŸ˜…

I have a lot to be thankful for this year, no doubt. Though that could be said for every year that I am alive and in good health. That said, three events that come to mind:

The older I get, the more I realize how lucky I truly am. Iā€™m married to in incredible woman, I am part of a loving and supportive family, I have professional success beyond what I realized ever possible, and I have my mental & physical health.

This year, Lorena and I are going to Michigan to celebrate Thanksgiving. My brother and his family recently moved back to the U.S. from Germany, so it is the first time we all are together celebrating the holiday together (yet another thing to be grateful for)!

We will be relaxing, going to a hockey game (go Wings!) and heading to Ohio to visit my grandpa. Afterwards, we fly from Detroit to Mexico City for a quick trip to celebrate Lorenaā€™s younger sister graduating from university.

Heading back to Austin, we will catch our breath briefly before doing the rounds again for Christmas and the new year!


Lorena and I are off to Connecticut again to visit family. The trip is quick to celebrate a couple of birthdays, but itā€™s means a little more than that to me.

A year ago, visiting Connecticut was the first trip Lorena and I took together, and it was the first time I met her family.

Fast-forward to today, and so much has happened. We were engaged, moved to Austin, Lorena left her corporate job, we got married, traveled some more, I sold LearnDash, and now Lorenaā€™s fitness business is starting to gain momentum. We are only just starting our lives together, and we have created some incredible memories already.

Itā€™s always easy (and fun) to look ahead and what is to come, but I have always been someone who looks back at the path traveled. We lived a lot of great life this year, although it wasnā€™t without a little heartache.

One year later and life is so much different. I am not meeting strangers for the first time, I am part of the family, and it feels good.


Lorena and I completed a trip to Lake Tahoe (and Reno, NV). It was two purposed: to relax, and to see if we might be interested in moving there in the near future, as life in Texas is not really for us.

The short of it is that we think we could see ourselves in Reno. Itā€™s an interesting area with a lot of outdoor activity. Austin has a better city, but the surrounding area and weather make Reno tempting.

No decisions being made just yet. We want to visit some more places first before we make the decision to pack-up.

Until then, here are a few glimpses of the scenery around Tahoe. Itā€™s absolutely stunning. If you havenā€™t gone, grab an Airbnb. Itā€™s worth it.


For a number of years now, I have had an urge to take contribute to a non-profit cause. The problem is, I can never land on where to dedicate time and money.

Growing up, I used to help the less fortunate through my church. There is a part of me that feels like perhaps this is the ā€œeasiestā€ way to get back involved with making a positive impact in the lives of others. But in my typical fashion, I like to really overthink things. Who wants easy, anyhow?

I have been afforded many opportunities in my life, and I want to give back. I simply do not know where.

With kids?

With adults?

With entrepreneurs?

Iā€™d like to make some meaningful impact, somewhere. At this point, though, I am spinning my wheels on the matter.


You ever get that feeling where you just need a break?

Lorena and I are at a point where we need to get out of our place. A change in scenery to clear our minds. Yes, we just got back to Texas from a roughly two-month trip, but those were different.

When we went to Mexico and Michigan, we went to see family. We love seeing family, and had a great time. This trip to Lake Tahoe is different because it is a trip for just us two. We have only done this once before, over a year ago, when we went to a cabin in California.

As of now, we donā€™t have many plans scheduled for our visit (which will be in early October). We are currently keeping an eye on the Caldor fire as that is still causing a lot of smoke around the lake. Depending on how bad it is, we might shorten our stay in Tahoe, and spend more time in Reno.

Speaking of Reno, this trip is also an opportunity for us to see what the area is like. If we decide that Texas isnā€™t for us, then weā€™ll need somewhere to go. From what I have read, Reno is an intriguing option!


Today, I am grieving the loss of a special woman.

As a child, I loved visiting my grandparentsā€™ house, and thinking back, this was mainly because of my grandma. She loved my brother and me, and always made our visits to the countryside in Ohio fun.

Unlike our home in Michigan, there were acres of land to run around on. We drove tractors and shot BB guns. We ate the pies and jams she would make, and we never wanted to leave.

Grandma was the life of the family. Everything revolved around her. She made the plans, she had the holiday gatherings. She ran the show. Life was always that way, and I loved it. It was comfortable and full of love.

My childhood was defined by these events and my grandmaā€™s house, but in early adulthood that all changed. In 2004, grandma had to have a surgery to remove some cancerous polyps from her colon. It was to be pretty routine, but she was scared. The day of her surgery, I talked to her on the phone.

I told her everything would be okay, and that God would make sure of it. I was wrong.

Iā€™m fuzzy on the exact complications, but it doesnā€™t matter. She went septic after the surgery, and almost died from the complications. Thankfully, my dad made the decision to have her airlifted to The Cleveland Clinic. They saved her life, but her life would never be the same.

Grandma became a different person. She didnā€™t initiate conversations anymore. She struggled to walk, and she was worried when leaving home. When I came to visit her in the years after her incident, she wouldnā€™t get out of her chair to greet me at the door, opting instead to continue watching her favorite TV shows.

Occasionally, I would get a glimpse of her former self when we would talk about stories from the past. These moments were fleeting though, and they always left me with a reminder of what once was, and that always made me sad.

While her new personality was a hard, stark contrast to the grandma of my childhood, there was some silver lining: my grandma didnā€™t know that she had changed. The rest of the family was sad, but she was not. In her mind, she was the same person as always. It gives me a little comfort in knowing that this is how she saw herself, and she never knew the difference. While the rest of us in the family had emotional pain, at least she did not.

In my adult life, I really liked talking to my grandma about her past. It was special for me because it felt like ā€œthe old daysā€. She would tease my grandpa, remember the smallest details of a trip with friends, and finish a funny story with her famous giggle.

As of yesterday, grandma is no longer physically with our family. She lived a long life. She had children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren that loved her. My grandpa remained by her side until the end. She passed away without any pain, in her sleep, in her nursing home bed.

I am sad. I am emotionally overwhelmed with memories of her voice, her laugh, and her hugs.

Iā€™ll miss you deeply, grandma. I will always love you.


As of writing this, I have been studying Spanish for a year and a half. Iā€™m so close to fluency, all I need is one more push!

This journey has been simultaneously one of the most challenging and rewarding activities I have done in my life.

My wife will tell you that I am too hard on myself when it comes to my Spanish. That may be true. I want so bad to be more comfortable with the language. The reality is that I have good days and I have bad days.

Some days I am crushing it! I understand what people are saying to me (for the most part) and I am able to respond in a way that makes sense and that they understand. This made visiting family in Mexico all that more enjoyable. We spoke Spanish, not English ā€“ and I loved it!

Other days, Iā€™m terrible. I donā€™t understand what people are saying to me. I get nervous and ā€œclose upā€. My mind gets tired, and I canā€™t keep up with the topic of the conversation. Someone makes a joke and I completely miss it. These days are hard. It makes me feel foolish, and I feel like giving up.

I donā€™t have overly ambitious goals with Spanish.

I know that many people dream of being completely proficient in another language. And I admit, it would be cool to be like my wife, who has command over Spanish and English.

As great as that would be, my ambitions are far less than that. Ultimately, I want my level to be a very comfortable CEFR B2 (for speaking only).

The CEFR B2 level is considered the first level of fluency in any language. If you are at this level, then you have ā€œupper intermediateā€ proficiency. That sounds just perfect for me. I donā€™t care about sounding like a native or advanced sentence structures.

In reality, I donā€™t even care too much about writing perfectly, either. The only time I write in Spanish is when I am texting with family, and my phone helps out if I get stuck. Ultimately, my goal is to spontaneously interact without too much strain for me or the other person. To understand what people are saying to me 95% of the time.

To get to that level, I will need to work harder than ever.

Iā€™m at a point where Iā€™m pretty good in Spanish. Strangers compliment me, I usually understand the theme of a conversation, and I can crack a joke here or there.

The thing is, I have been in this place for a good majority of this year. My gains in 2020 were far greater, but I also worked harder. This year, I have given myself permission to be lazy. Iā€™ve gotten comfortable with my current level.

To get to a solid B2 though, I need to change my habits. I need to actively study again.

Here is what I am doing:

  • Starting 1-on-1 online languages classes again with my teacher (3x per week for 1hr).
  • ANKI flash cards for B2 level grammar and vocabulary.
  • Reading Spanish books.
  • Watching movies & shows in Spanish (with Spanish subtitles).
  • Making a point to speak to Lorena more in Spanish.

This was the formula I used last year, and it worked really well. Iā€™ll need to do this for at least four to six months consistently to see the results I desire.

Honestly, I know that I will never really be done with learning Spanish. The more I learn, the more I realize I donā€™t know. I will always be aware of where I can improve.
